Potential Interventions for Sustainable Farming of Cashew and Other Crops

WADI refers to a small orchard (in Indian language). It is a proven profitable farming model without harming natural resources. It is type of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) as it has integrated water management, ecosystem restoration to protect from disaster risk, and diversification of agricultural production. Success factor is active participation of communities. It is widely promoted and practiced in Indian farming majorly with Cashew, Mango and other tropical fruit crops in combination with local food crops (vegetables, cereals, legumes and oil-seeds etc).
Key Components:
- Soil & Water Conservation (SWC): Contour bunds (+ planting grasses on bunds), contour farming, farm-ponds (percolation tanks), grassed waterway & soak pits
- Climate Smart Agriculture: (CSA) techniques: Integrated farming, organic farming, organic pesticides and fertilizers and crop-rotations
- Food & Nutrition Security: Regular income due to crop diversification; Reduces climate risks
- Multi-tiered Crops: Multipurpose Tree and Shrub (MPTS), Cashew Trees, Legumes, Cereals, Fruits & Vegetables etc
- Multipurpose Tree and Shrub (MPTS): Provide wood, poles, fodder, fruits, bee-flora, grasses, leaves for compost (reduction of pressure on natural forests). MPTS can be planted along with live-fencing. Tree canopy manipulation is important to avoid shading effect on Cashew and other crops.
- 40-80 Cashew (+other fruit) plants and 600-800 MPTS in 0.4-hectare (1 acre) plot; interspace for growing food crops
- Livestock: The best complementary element in WADI (small ruminant or large ruminant)
Layout of WADI system is as follows:
FARM PONDS (for rainwater harvesting)
(a). Percolation Type ponds
Most successful farm pond for harvesting rainwater in frequently drought-hit Central region of Malawi. It provides water almost round the year for growing fruit crops, vegetables, integrated inland-fish production, and animal production.

(b) Non-Percolation Type ponds (lined by UV-stabilized polythene sheet)

2nd pic is the pond with harvested rainwater.